"You will never be completely home again, because part of your heart will always be somewhere else. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place."

Montag, 8. Juli 2013

At six o'clock I woke up this morning to see my parents through Skype. After that my hostmother drove my hostsister Cecilia and me to Caloundra State High School. In front of the "International Students Room" we met our buddies Bri and Mackenzie. Then we got our school uniform. It isn't actually a real uniform, because everybody is wearing the sport shorts and the sport polo-shirt. After that we went to a nice teacher called Mr. Hay who gave us our timetable. And then we had to make a picture for our student card.
At twenty past ten we had our lunch break till eleven o'clock. My buddy brought my to my first class which was dance. We only made some stretching exercices but tomorrow we're going to learn a choreography. After dance I had maths. The teacher was really nice and so the lesson was soon over. At next I went to the gym for physical education. I thought that we do sports but we only sat in the class room and collected different sports. My last class was hospitality. I can say that I never had such a lovely teacher before! She told us that we're going to cook each week and in this week everybody has to cook a sort of soup he prefers the most.
All in all I can say that I had an amazing first school day in australia!

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